Welcome to CatholicPreacher! I use this page as a type of archive of my thoughts for my Sunday homily.

Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Ash Wednesday


Pray in Secret

The gospel admonition to seek out a type of secret piety rather than a public one isn't a rejection of public worship for an eremitical life; it is the cautionary tale of one who looks for the wrong thing in their worship.   Jesus notes that those who make a grand show of their piety receive what it is they are longing for: public adoration and acceptance.  I suppose there is nothing inherently wrong with public adoration and acceptance if this is one's goal, but it is not the goal of true worship.  True worship makes God the focus, not oneself.  The concept of the word "worship" in English suggests ascribing worth due someone or something.  In a sense, our worship should express what we believe God is entitled to.  What is God entitled to, if not the entirety of our being? 

If we seek approval from others in our worship, Jesus says this is what we gain.  God can only be honored in true worship in the secret of our hearts.